Monthly Archives - June 2018

limestone worktop

What’s so Lovely About Limestone?

In geology terms, limestone is essentially a non-metamorphosed marble. Many forms of marble are derived from limestone which has been subject to extreme heat and pressure. In design terms, however, these two stones are markedly different. With differing aesthetic and practical properties, limestone can be an even more desirable stone than its rivals.


The patterns that we find in limestone are much more granular than the clear veining that is distinctive in marble. However, the relationship between these stones means that...

granite worktop edge

Living on the Edge: A guide to stone worktop edging

The devil is in the detail, so they say. This is certainly the case when you are making choices for your kitchen. Perhaps you will spend hours deliberating over whether granite or quartz will be the perfect stone for your kitchen worktop. Or whether your marble sink surround should be brilliantly white or elegantly patterned.  The edge of your surface can sometimes come as an afterthought. However, with due thought and consideration, it can add another dimension of clarity to your...